Boost Engagement with Visual Content

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ContentCory helps you to create a beautiful, simple content calendar.
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In the highly competitive world of social media, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd. One of the most powerful ways to catch your audience’s attention and drive engagement is through visually stunning and engaging content. Here at ContentCory, we understand the importance of captivating visuals, and that’s why we not only offer a user-friendly platform for content planning but also help you to create powerful visual content that tells your brand’s story. In this blog post, we will explore various tips and tricks on how to utilise ContentCory’s features to make the most of your visual content on social media, giving your brand a competitive edge and making a lasting impact on your audience.

Visual content comes in many forms, from high-quality photographs and eye-catching graphics to engaging videos and innovative GIFs. Embracing these different formats and themes that resonate with your audience can significantly improve your social media engagement rates, turning casual visitors into dedicated followers of your brand. With ContentCory, you’ll be equipped with the tools and guidance you need to succeed in the visual arena, delivering high-quality and diverse content that captures the essence of your brand.

As part of this visual journey, we will cover various aspects of creating and planning powerful visual content, focusing on content strategy, design, and optimization. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have the know-how to elevate your brand’s visual storytelling and make a mark on the ever-growing world of social media.

Embrace the power of visuals with ContentCory and take your social media engagement to new heights with these tips and tricks tailored specifically for creating captivating visual content. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets of visual storytelling for your brand.

Creating Engaging Visual Content with ContentCory

Developing a Visual Content Strategy

Before diving into visual content creation, it’s essential first to establish a robust visual content strategy. This involves determining the types of visual content you plan to create, identifying your target audience, setting goals, and establishing a release schedule. With ContentCory, you can easily develop and manage your visual content strategy by utilising the platform’s comprehensive calendar view, collaboration features, and content suggestions.

Consider the following steps as you develop your visual content strategy:

1. Set clear Objectives: Determine your goals for your visual content, such as increasing engagement, driving traffic to your website or promoting a specific product or service.

2. Research Your Audience: Identify your target audience and their visual preferences, ensuring that your visual content will resonate with them.

3. Diversify Your Content: Plan to create a variety of visual content types, including images, videos, GIFs, and infographics, to keep your feed fresh and engaging.

4. Schedule and Plan: Utilise ContentCory’s calendar feature to plan and schedule your visual content, ensuring consistency and timely delivery.

Mastering the Art of Visual Design

Effective visual content captures your audience’s attention and sparks their interest, motivating them to engage with your brand further. Here are some key visual design principles to keep in mind while creating your visual content:

1. Colour: Use colours that evoke emotions and align with your brand’s identity. Consider experimenting with colour psychology to maximise engagement.

2. Typography: Ensure your text is legible, well-structured, and complements the overall design of your visual content.

3. Hierarchy: Arrange visual elements in a way that guides the viewer’s eye through the information, highlighting essential aspects of your content.

4. Consistency: Maintain a consistent visual identity, including colours, typography, and design elements, to strengthen your brand’s presence across all social media platforms.

With ContentCory, you can easily access your brand guidelines to maintain consistency in your visual designs. Furthermore, the platform offers content suggestions and insights to help enhance your visual elements and better align with your target audience’s preferences.

Optimising Visual Content for Different Platforms

Each social media platform has its unique characteristics, users, and content preferences, so it’s essential to optimise your visual content accordingly. Here are some helpful guidelines for tailoring your visual content to different platforms:

1. Instagram: Focus on high-quality, visually appealing images and videos, and utilise features such as Stories, Reels, and IGTV to showcase different aspects of your brand.

2. Facebook: Create a mix of visual content, including images, videos and GIFs, and take advantage of native tools such as Facebook Live and Carousel.

3. Twitter: Keep your visuals eye-catching and concise, and experiment with GIFs and short videos to stand out in the fast-paced Twitter feed.

4. LinkedIn: Ensure your visuals are professional and industry-focused, using infographics and videos to share valuable insights and information.

ContentCory can help you streamline the process of optimising visual content for various platforms through its scheduling and content planning features, making it easier than ever to deliver the right visuals at the right time, in the right format.

Tracking and Analysing Visual Content Performance

Once you’ve created and shared your visual content across various platforms, it’s essential to track and analyse its performance. By keeping an eye on key metrics such as engagement rates, impressions, and reach, you can gain valuable insights into your visual content strategy’s effectiveness. ContentCory’s analytics features enable you to monitor your visual content performance across all platforms easily, helping you uncover areas for improvement and refine your strategy.

Use ContentCory’s analytics to:

1. Identify High-Performing Visual Content: Understand which types of visuals resonate the most with your audience and drive better engagement.

2.Assess the Best Posting Times: Discover the optimal times and days to post your visual content, maximising its reach and visibility.

3.Monitor Your Competition: Benchmark your visual content’s performance against competitors to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

4.Evolve Your Strategy: Iterate and refine your visual content strategy based on insights and analytics, continuously improving your social media presence.


Creating engaging visual content is key to a successful social media strategy, and ContentCory provides the tools and guidance you need to excel in the visual arena. By developing a robust visual content strategy, mastering the art of visual design, optimising your content for different platforms, and tracking your performance with analytics, you can elevate your brand’s presence on social media to new heights. Embrace the power of visual storytelling with ContentCory’s content calendar, and watch your social media engagement soar.

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ContentCory helps you to create a beautiful, simple social media content calendar.
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